Saturday, August 6, 2011

Delusions And Hallucinations Found With Depression

In the last post I described the 10 diagnostic symptoms of depression. Apart from those typical symptoms of depression, some patients also develop psychotic symptoms including various delusions and hallucinations. Common delusions and hallucinations which may be found in depressive patients are described below.

Common Delusions Found In Depressed Individuals

Delusion is a false belief of a person which cannot be corrected by reasoning or arguing with them. Not all, but some patients of depression may develop following types of delusions:

1. Nihilistic Delusions

Those delusions in which a person believes that he himself or the world does not exist or will cease to exist. For example a patient may say that:
  • 'I am dead'
  • 'My head has become empty'
  •  'My liver is rotten'
  •  'World is going to end'
2. Paranoid Delusions

Some depressive patients may develop paranoid delusions. For example patient may have suspicions like:
  • 'Some people are planning to kill me and my family
  • 'Coworkers are plotting against me' 
3. Bizarre Delusions

Rarely a patient of depression may develop unusual belief such as:
  • Aliens have attacked the earth
  • All men will turn into animals
Hallucinations Associated With Depression

Patients of very severe depression may develop hallucinations i.e. false perception without any external stimulus. Patient hears sound or sees things which are not actually present. Hallucinations of depressed persons are usually depressive in nature. For example:
  • Hear voices that condemn him for his sins
  • Hear voices predicting a mis-happening
  • Perceive smell of burning flesh or other type of bad odor which is not present
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