Friday, July 8, 2011

Return Of Fertility After Contraceptives - How Long Does It Take?

If you want to adopt a temporary method of birth control, so that you may plan pregnancy in future, read this very carefully. Fertility does not return immediately after discontinuation of every contraceptive. It's important for you to know about the time interval after which fertility returns on stopping the use of a particular contraceptive, before selecting it as a method of birth control.
1. The Barrier Methods
These methods include the mechanical devices or chemical agents, which prevent the entry of sperms in the uterus. Popular barrier methods of contraception are:
  • Male Condom
  • Female Condom (Fem Shield)
  • Diaphragm
  •  Vaginal Contraceptive Sponge (Today)

Return of fertility after withdrawal
Fertility returns immediately after stopping the use of barrier methods.
2. Oral Contraceptive Pills
These are steroidal contraceptives, which prevent pregnancy in the following ways:
  • Inhibit ovulation
  • Cause regression of the endometrial glands
  • Make the cervical mucus thick and scanty, so that sperms cannot penetrate
  • Alters fallopian tube's motility

Return of fertility after withdrawal
Usually, fertility returns within 3 months after stopping the pills. However, in some women, it may take as long as 6 months or more.
3. Depot Injections
These are injectable steroids, which prevent pregnancy in the same way as the oral contraceptive pills. Commonly used preparations include:
  • DMPA (Depo Provera)
  • NETO

Intramuscular injections of depo provera are given in a dose of 150 mg every three months or 300 mg every six months; NETO is given in a dose of 200 mg, at two months interval.
Return of fertility after withdrawal
Most women are able to conceive within one year, after stopping the use of depo provera. However, with NETO, fertility returns earlier.
4. Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (I.U.D)
Intra uterine contraceptive devices prevent pregnancy by producing biochemical changes and inflammatory reaction in the uterine cavity. Commonly used I.U.D include:
  • Cu T 200
  • Cu T 380A
  • Multiload 250
  • Multiload 375
  • Progestasert

Return of fertility after withdrawal
Fertility returns immediately after removal of Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices.
Before adopting any method of birth control, you should know about the time interval after which pregnancy is possible on its withdrawal. Fertility returns soon after the withdrawal of barrier methods of contraception and intrauterine contraceptive devices. However, steroidal contraceptives, like oral pills and depot injections may delay fertility for three to twelve months.
Please Note: It's always better to consult your doctor before adopting any method of contraception and ask about their side effects too.
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