Prevention is always better than cure and in order to prevent the occurrence of prolapse of uterus, proper care before, during and after child birth is a must. Here are the Do's and Don'ts during pregnancy and labor which play a crucial role in prevention of uterine prolapse in future.
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These guidelines should be followed-
1. Effective care during pregnancy
- Proper nutrition
- Physiotherapy with relaxation exercises
2. Care during child birth
- Prevent premature bearing down efforts
- Avoid prolonged second stage of labor
- Avoid too much fundal pushing in an attempt to expel the placenta
- A perineal tear must be immediately sutured after delivery
3. Adequate care after the child birth
- Early postnatal ambulation
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Prevent undue distension of bladder
- Avoid heavy work for at least 6 months following delivery
- Reasonable interval between pregnancies so that too many births at too short interval are avoided
4. Prophylactic individualized homoeopathic treatment
Individualized homoeopathic treatment with the constitutional medicine of the menopausal women can be given according to the rules of classical homoeopathy.