According to the causative factor, insomnia may be classified into 6 categories -
Chronic Insomnia: Can Your Sleeplessness Be Diagnosed As Insomnia?
Insomnia Relief: 12 Tips To Cure Insomnia Without Medicines
Cured Case Of Insomnia - A Report
#1. Psycho Physiologic Insomnia
- Patient imagines he would not be able to sleep at night.
- Remains awake as a result of his deliberate attempts to sleep.
- Sleeps easily at odd hours, when not trying to sleep.
#2. Extrinsic Insomnia
It occurs as a result of extrinsic factors that interfere with sleep. This includes-
a. Adjustment Sleep Disorder (Transient Situational Insomnia)
This can occur due to:
1. Change in the sleeping environment, such as:
- Hotel
- Hospital bed
- Relative's house
- New job
- Loss of a family member
- Illness
- Interview or exams
Recovery generally occurs rapidly, certainly within 2 to 3 weeks.
b. Inadequate Sleep Hygiene
This includes certain habits prior to sleep or a bedroom environment that promotes wakefulness. For e.g.
- Trying to sleep with the television on.
- Husband or wife with a habit of moving limbs during sleep
- Room mate who snores loudly
- Heavy dinner
- Rigorous exercise before sleep
#3. Altitude Insomnia
- Lack of concentration of oxygen at high altitude may result in development of periodic breathing.
- Frequent awakenings and poor quality of sleep.
- Insomnia is generally worst on first few nights at high altitude but may persist longer.
#4. Drug or Alcohol-dependent Insomnia
Sleep may be disturbed by ingestion of a wide variety of substances. Most common among these ares-
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Nicotine
- Acute withdrawal of Hypnotics
#5. Insomnia associated with psychiatric disorders
Psychiatric disorders are often associated with persistent insomnia.
- Depression is usually associated with fragmented sleep and decreased total sleep time.
- In Manic disorders sleeplessness is a cardinal feature and an important early sign of impending mania in bipolar cases.
#6. Insomnia related to medical conditions
Persistent insomnias are also related to a wide variety of medical conditions, such as:
- Pain
- Respiratory distress
- Uremia
- Thyroid disorders
Chronic Insomnia: Can Your Sleeplessness Be Diagnosed As Insomnia?
Insomnia Relief: 12 Tips To Cure Insomnia Without Medicines
Cured Case Of Insomnia - A Report