Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chronic Insomnia - Can Your Sleeplessness Be Diagnosed As Insomnia?

Sleeplessness is a common problem these days, but the diagnosis of insomnia is made only when certain essential features are associated with the sleeplessness. Read on to find whether your sleeplessness is actually insomnia!

Transient episodes of sleeplessness can occur due to:
  • Stress
  • Caffeine
  • Physical discomfort
  • Day-time napping 
  • Early bedtimes
Such episodes resolve spontaneously and are of little significance. Then, what type of sleeplessness is diagnosed as insomnia?

What is Insomnia?

Diagnosis of Insomnia can be made only when the following essential clinical features are present-

Number 1 

Sleep disturbance is of one of the following types:
  • Difficulty in falling asleep 
  • Difficulty in maintaining sleep 
  • Poor quality of sleep
Number 2

The sleep disturbance has occurred:
  •  At least 3 times per week, for at least 1 month.
Number 3

Patient has:
  • Preoccupation with sleeplessness and 
  • Excessive concern over its consequences at night and during the day.
Number 4

The unsatisfactory quality or quantity of sleep either causes:
  • Marked distress or 
  • Interferes with ordinary activities in daily living.
So, the terms 'insomnia' and 'chronic insomnia' can be used interchangeably. 

Types of Insomnia

Insomnia can be of three types:

#1 Sleep Onset Type
  • When the patient has a difficulty in getting to sleep
#2 Sleep Maintenance Type
  • When the patient has a difficulty in staying asleep and there is intermittent wakefulness during the night.
#3 Premature Awakening Type
  • Patient wakes up early in the morning.

Though few episodes of sleeplessness due to factors like stress or physical discomfort may occur now and then, but the diagnosis of insomnia is made only if patient has been suffering from poor quality or quantity of sleep, not less than 3 times a week for at least one month and  it becomes a matter of excessive concern and marked distress for the patient.