Wednesday, August 3, 2011

10 Benefits Of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills

Having discussed the various side effects and contraindications of the combined oral contraceptive pills in previous posts, it's time now to say some nice things about combined pills. Read on to know the benefits of the combined oral pills. Details regarding the component, mode of action and dosage of combined oral pills as well as the caution required while using them is discussed in the previous post, Types of oral contraceptive pills-A comparison. 

Benefits Of Combined Oral Pills

1. One of the most effective method of birth control. Failure rate of only 0.1% which is lowest among the contraceptives in use today.

2. With the use of combined pills the menstruation occurs at regular intervals.

3. Bleeding during menstrual periods becomes scanty, thus it is useful for the women having profuse flow during periods.

4. Prevents anemia by reducing the amount of blood flow during menses.

5. Reduced risk of ovarian cancer

6. Reduced risk of endometrial cancer/uterine cancer (endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus or womb)

7. Since the progestogen component of the pill makes the cervical mucus thick and somewhat impermeable to the infective organisms, thus the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is reduced. (But not as much as with the use of condom or other barrier methods)

8. Reduced risk of ectopic pregnancy due to suppression of ovulation and lowered chances of PID i.e. pelvic inflammatory disease.

9. Use of combined pills is also said to have a protective action against rheumatoid arthritis.

10. It also reduces the incidence of benign breast diseases.

Read the previous posts: