Pre-natal care is necessary for a normal pregnancy. Now the question arises what exactly a normal pregnancy is. No two women will have similar experiences in pregnancy. Nature and intensity of symptoms vary from one woman to other as well as from one pregnancy to other in one woman.
However, any pregnancy which ends between 38 to 42 weeks, with the delivery of a baby in good health with weight of 2.5 kg or more and with no complications to the mother's health, is considered to be a normal pregnancy.
Here are some tips (do's and don'ts) to have a normal pregnancy with delivery of a healthy child from a mother in good health:
1. Take Proper Diet During Pregnancy
Food a woman eats during pregnancy has many more purposes to serve than in the non-pregnant state. Adequate diet is necessary for:
- Good health of the mother
- Growth of the baby inside the womb
- Strength required during labor
- Sufficient production of milk in mother's breasts
Take nutritious and easily digestible diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. It would be better to supplement your daily routine diet with:
- At least half litre milk
- One Egg (Ignore if you are a pure vegetarian)
- Plenty of green vegetables
- Seasonal fruits (It's said that papaya is prohibited, as it may cause abortion)
2. Take Proper Rest And Sleep During Pregnancy
Normal activities can be continued during pregnancy, but:
- Heavy work, especially during first 3 months and last 1 and a half month of pregnancy, should be avoided.
- Take adequate sleep.
- In the last month woman should be in bed for at least 8 hours at night and 2 hours in the day time.
3. Be Careful While Taking Bath
Daily bath is good but be very careful or you may slip due to imbalance.
4. Use Proper Clothes And Foot Wear During Pregnancy
- Wear loose and comfortable clothes
- Do not wear high heels or slippery foot wear especially later in pregnancy
5. Avoid Sexual Intercourse At Crucial Times Of Pregnancy
- Coitus during first 3 months of pregnancy especially during the time of missed period may increase the risk of abortion.
- During the last month of pregnancy, coitus increases the risk of infection and induction of labor before time.
6. Take Special Care During Travel
- Avoid journey on road or vehicles having jerks especially during first 3 months of and last 1and 1/2 months of pregnancy.
- Journey between 4th to 7th months of pregnancy is comparatively safer.
7. Quit Smoking And Alcohol Consumption (If You Do)
- Heavy smoking hinders proper growth of the baby and may also cause abortion.
- Alcohol increases the risk of abnormalities and growth retardation of the baby.
P.S. - Regular visits to the gynaecologist and pre-natal checkups during pregnancy are necessary for the well being of mother and the child.
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