Friday, July 1, 2011

Ovarian Cancer - Early Warning Signs

80% Cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in advanced stages, leading to poor survival rates. For early detection, every woman should be aware of the the early symptoms or the warning signs of ovarian cancer. Here is the life saving information:
Early Symptoms or Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer
Unfortunately, in most cases, ovarian cancer remains asymptomatic in the initial stages or presents only a few symptoms which are nonspecific. However, in presence of the risk factors for ovarian cancer, even these nonspecific symptoms should be considered as the warning signs:
1. Persistent gastrointestinal complaints
Patient may complain of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as:                
  • Flatulence
  • Eructations
  • Nausea
  • Dyspepsia
  • Constipation

2. Abdominal discomfort
Patient may have: 
  • Sensation of vague discomfort in the abdomen, and 
  • A feeling of distension of abdomen.

3. Loss of appetite
There is a sense of bloating after meals and the appetite of the patient is reduced.
4. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Excessive, frequent or irregular bleeding from the vagina and post menopausal bleeding raises suspicion of cancer, especially in women at higher risk. However, many cases of ovarian cancer do not show any menstrual abnormality.
As the disease progresses, following symptoms become evident:
  • Rapid growth of abdominal swelling
  • Sudden loss of weight
  • Difficult respiration
  • Swelling of leg or vulva

Presence of these symptoms in a woman raise even more suspicion of ovarian cancer if she is at a higher risk for having ovarian cancer. I will discuss these risk factors in my next post.

More articles on Women's Health from REVIVE-

Ovarian Cancer - Are You At A Higher Risk?

Cured Case Of Photodermatitis - A Report

Allergy from sun rays can be very troublesome, especially if it’s not possible for the patient to avoid sun exposure due to work compulsions. Regarding the options which patients have:
  • Use of sunscreens can help a bit, but often fails to give significant relief, apart from the fact that it’s just a method of management, not capable of curing the disease. 
  • Use of steroids involves the risk of side effects. 
  • Significant relief and cure is possible through classical homoeopathic treatment, but unfortunately most of the patients are not aware of this fact, plus many doctors practice pseudo-homoeopathy, which is not capable of yielding the desired results.

I have discussed photodermatitis or sun allergy in detail, including its symptoms and causes, in an earlier post. Here I will discuss the homoeopathic treatment of photodermatitis and a case of skin allergy from sun rays, which was cured successfully at my clinic using classical homoeopathic methods. Hope the information provided in this post  proves to be useful for those suffering from sun allergy.

Facts About Homoeopathic Treatment of Photodermatitis

  • In complete repertory, 90 homoeopathic medicines are listed for ailments from sun exposure. 
  • Homoeopathic medicine has to be prescribed on the basis of individualization.
  • Different patients suffering from same disease may require different medicines for cure. 
  • Constitutional medicine of the patient, carefully selected according to the rules of classical homoeopathy, relieves the patient of his or her allergy to the sun rays.

Here I will mention a case of skin allergy from sun exposure, which improved considerably with homoeopathy at my clinic.

Allergy From Sun Rays Cured With Classical Homoeopathy ~ Case Report

Mrs SC, age 43 years, visited Hariom Homoeopathic Clinic Haldwani with the complaints of:

  • Burning sensation, redness and itching in lower half of the face
Worse from exposure to sun’s heat and from dust.
  • Itching all over the body.
  • Tendency to catch cold frequently.
            All complaints since 2 years.

16 June 2009

Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine was prescribed on the basis of rules of Classical Homoeopathy.

23 June 2009

Itching and redness reduced but burning as before.

Medicine continued.

30 June 2009

Burning as before, itching increased.

Dose and potency of the medicine adjusted.

7 July 2009

Patient reported significant relief.

Redness absent, itching and burning much reduced (even in sun and dust)

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